Thursday, November 25

A Day of Thanks, Thanksgiving Day

Last night I went to the movies with my good buddy Eric Hendrickson. We went to see the movie National Treasure. Now, having been disappointed by Jerry Bruckheimer productions since the masterpiece that is Pirates of the Carribean, I was a little worried. But I am very happy to say that National Treasure, in my opinion has been the greatest production of Bruckheimer films since Pirates and I was glued to my seat the entire movie (except when I got up because I thought I was going to throw up) . The movie was awesome. I cannot wait to go see it again. So here I will formally recommend for your viewing enjoyment, National Treasure starring Nicholas Cage, which is out now in the theatres.
This morning I went to our annual Thanksgiving Day service at the church. Every year people publicly give thanks for whatever they feel necessary to publicly give thanks for and this year was quite emotional. I dont think there was a dry eye in the entire congregation (save mine of course) and every single person was getting up and saying stuff, it was amazing. We sang this song by a British Poet named Stuart Townsend and the song was one of the deepest contemporary "praise songs" that I have ever sung. The words were meaningful and thoughtful, none of that mushy, pointless repetition that is so characteristic in the songs of churches today. I think I am a Townsend fan, officially.
We are getting ready to go over to my pastor's house for Thanksgiving. I am really excited because every year the Thanksgiving meal and fellowship is better than the year before. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of warm food and fellowship. Wish I was up in the big WA with our whole family but down here will do just fine. Besides I will be up there before I know it, with all you guys and especially with ahem* BRITTANY ahem*. Adios Muchachos. Turkey Here I Come


At 6:42 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Rock, rock on!


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