Monday, September 26

My wonderful friend Jesse Kemp turns eighteen tomorrow. He is no longer a minor. He is now a major. Great smokes ahead to you friend and happy birthday.


Thursday, September 15

Can you feel your heart beat racing?

So a teacher at my mom’s school came in with pictures from her daughter’s recent wedding up in Canada. My mom was excited, as most women are to see wedding pictures, and she opened the nicely decorated album. She noticed the first picture, two beautiful women in striking white dresses, with rainbow bouquets and rainbow colored flags and drapes in the background…

Early this morning as I sat outside drinking my coffee I perused our liberal San Diego Union Tribune. One of the headlines caught my eye. “Pledge of Allegiance Ruled Unconstitutional in Schools”. I thought, “ah crap, as if our state could be any more ungodly” and I turned to the section that elaborated the headline. It seemed as though Sacramento, in response to San Franciscan court rulings, had ruled the saying of our pledge in their schools unconstitutional. Apparently it crossed the lines of separation of church and state.

I am becoming depressed. Last week our mayor came out of the closet. In support of him multitudes of policemen participated in the gay pride parade, in their freaking uniforms! As an abortion picketer I can tell you first hand that if policemen stood out holding the signs in their uniforms, their actions would never fly. Last night my principle went to our city council meeting and preached the gospel. He brought up the fact that policemen walked the parade in their uniforms and he asked if the same toleration would be enacted upon policemen in our abortion pickets. After this he called the council to repentance, pleading with them. My principle has lost a brother from aids; he knows firsthand the desperation and effects of the homosexual life. He proclaimed the name of Christ, for God’s glory. After the speech the council told him that the participation of the policemen in the gay pride parade was totally and completely different than policemen picketing abortion (and mind that when I say picketing I simply am referring to standing prayerfully silent with un-graphic posters in front of our Chula Vista “slaughterhouse”, providing ample room for public to walk to and fro on the sidewalks). The council proceeded to tell him that religion was unwanted and unnecessary in civil matters, and that it had no place in the courtroom.

With our nation instituting its Marxist philosophy on religion I only hope that God is merciful in his dealing with us. America has prospered thus far only because of its foundation on God’s Word. Our forefathers set up the 1st Amendment to protect the Church from the State! They were building a country with the horrors of a State controlled church rule behind them. They never desired a nation apart from God. The signers of the Constitution understood the Bible when it said blessed is the nation who calls God, Lord. Calling God Lord is a prerequisite to a blessed nation. The signs that I see every once in a while are perfect! “AMERICA BLESS GOD!” Because America doesn’t do this our future looks dire indeed. Pray for the government’s of our world. Pray that they bend the knee to Christ and His Law “kissing the son, lest he become angry and we perish in the way.”

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