Sunday, August 27

First week of college

So, here I am sitting in my apartment on Sunday. I just finished listening to a sermon describing the coming of the Antichrist, and Jesus, and the rapture. Kill me now. I am a student at The Master's College, officially, and I am way out of my element. My second night here at college was spent getting torn apart by angry Dispensationalist dorm mates. They interrogated me about my baby-dunking (why can’t they understand that we pour the Holy Spirit, we don’t take a bath in Him, because that is just rude), my Jewish Catholic view of the OT (that we actually obey the law of God), and especially my disbelief in the rapture or all the tribulation nonsense. But regardless, everyone loves me and I love them, if I could just find a nice Paedobaptist chick I would be set. I am the only Presbyterian in the entire school. How messed up is that?
So, besides the most glaring difference between us “baby-dunkers” and them Baptists, I have had the hardest time trying to show them how the “last days” started with Christ. They cannot even comprehend that Biblical fact. And I will be honest, I don’t exactly have a Christmas list of Bible verses to toss out to “prove” my point like these Baptists do, but I have some solid Biblical concepts to defend my positions although I was very humbled when I was devoured theologically by my dorm, so so humbled. I was a forced member of Baptist “Fight Club” until 3 in the morning that night. But overall it has been a life changing experience. And the kids at this college, all 1400 of us, love each other a lot. I have been shown Christ’s love more so in the last week by the students here, then by any student at Covenant for the 13 years I attended there (I still miss Covenant so much though). With God’s use of my brothers here, I and many others have quit smoking and we don’t even miss it. There is a great multitude of countries and cultures here. 45 countries are represented at this college. I have found friends who listen to straight edge, hardcore, emo, rap, country, electronica, and dance. I have friends who can two-step and mosh like no one I have ever seen. And I have friends who can skank to Five Iron Frenzy’s Super Chuck, and make you roll on the floor laughing, just a superb bunch of guys who love the Lord and love their neighbours.
I really am enjoying myself here. Classes start tomorrow and I am so excited. Comment some arguments and Scripture I could use to defend postmillennialism if you wouldn’t mind, Josh. I think you are the only postmil who reads this. Especially give me some advice on how to talk about the rapture and the AntiChrist.
Keep checking back here for college updates. It is also very cool that the girl to guy ratio here is 55 % girls 45% guys. It’s just that they’re all so Baptist, sigh*

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